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21 June 2006

Do You Make These Concealer Mistakes?

I don't think that there is a woman alive, who hasn't made at least some of the mistakes listed below.

But, with a little practice and some know-how, you should have the art of concealer use mastered in no time at all.

You should never apply concealer straight from the tube!

The application will be too heavy.

You apply too much!

With proper technique, you shouldn't be able to see the concealer at all.

You choose the wrong colour!

Don't choose something too light. This is one of the most common mistakes. The concealer is not blended. It should be applied with brush and then tapped on, not dragged.

The wrong formulation was chosen!

You have a choice of liquid, stick or pencil. The liquid is the easiest to use, the stick should be used for very dark circles as this gives a heavier coverage, and a pencil should be used for blemishes.

Obviously, using concealing cosmetics can be difficult. It takes lots of practice. It is also important to consider if you are going to be out in full sun or in a dimly lit restaurant.

Skin too pale!

While we are supposed to stay with our own skin tones, sometimes, those tones are too pale and adding more of the same with foundation, simply doesn't look right.

Here is the answer.

Warm up your skin with a tinted moisturizer topped with a hint of coppery gold blush dusted all over your face with a concentration on your cheekbones and chin.
When changing the skin tones, think about where the sun hits the face.

The secret to these tips is to make it look as if you have nothing on your face at all, then when your friends make comments like...

"Something has changed about you, but I just can't put my finger on it"...

You know you've got it right.

by Allison Saunders

P.S. To get more Allison's Hollywood insider beauty tips... and a complete "encyclopedia" of ways to become more beautiful, check out her brand new video beauty system - Hollywood Makeup Secrets.

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